Generate a Multibanco Reference in easypay’s Backoffice

  1. Log into Backoffice;
  2. Multibanco Reference‘ menu and ‘New Multibanco Reference‘;
  3. Choose the reference that fits the intended transaction;
  4. If applicable, choose the desired date for the validity of the reference (min. 24h);
  5. Amount – min. 1 euro;
  6. Fill in the fields for future identification:
    • Key – to identify an incoice, budget, partner or donor;
    • Name – Of the Payer/ Customer;
    • Email – Of the Payer/ Customer;
    • Cellphone – Of the Payer/ Customer;
    • Notes – Use this field for any description you want to add.
  7. Submit‘;

Check if the payment was well executed in the menu ‘Payment Account‘, ‘History‘.

For more questions, consult the ‘Payment Account Manual’ located in the lower right corner of Backoffice easypay.

Watch here the Video Tutorial!