Start accepting single payments

Prepare your store for one time payments, such as purchasing a product or service.
Easy Pay

Why single payments are important for your business

Ease of use

For one-off purchases, where there is no defined recurrence, we have created a simple and practical solution for accepting payments.

Online and offline

Ideal for businesses such as online and offline stores of any type of product and service, for payment of invoices or donations.

Total flexibility

The customer can choose to pay by Multibanco reference, MBWay, Visa and Mastercard cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay or bank transfer (with Digital IBAN).

Ready to accept single payments?

What payment methods can you integrate with?

The easypay API allows simple set up with the most used means of payment.

Designed for your business

  • Online and offline stores
  • Any type of product or service Invoice payment
  • Donations

Your business grows with easypay

We simplify complexity with efficient payments, simplified management.
Get ready to sell more with our global payment solutions.