easypay FAQ

FAQ easypay


By joining easypay, you are creating a Payment Account where you receive all the funds from your transactions. Membership is made directly on easypay website, where you will have to submit information and documents for the KYC – Know Your Customer process. 

To be an easypay customer, the head office must be included in the SEPA space. It may also require special approval if it is included in the  list of Prohibited Activities or Subject to Approval (if this is the In your case, send an email to Correio@easypay.pt with the SUBJECT: “Activity Subject to Approval” asking your business for analysis.

If easypay appears on your bank statement, it means that a purchase or payment has been made to a store, company or entity that uses easypay to process your payments.

If, when paying for an ATM Reference, you made a mistake in the entity or reference number. If the entity is from easypay, see here the steps following. If not, you should contact the company that manages that entity (See entity list).

SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) is a geographic area which includes 36 European countries (with and without the Euro as the official currency). In this space, companies and other agents can make and receive payments in euros (with the same rights and obligations).

In the marketplaces solution, the end customer buys from several merchants and makes a single payment, and the marketplace receives the full payment and with Split payments distributes the funds to merchants. In the multi-merchant solution, the end customer buys from several merchants and makes one payment per merchant.

The PCI Certificate (or just PCI DSS) is the international data security standard in the credit card industry.
Easypay has an annual audit that guarantees the greatest security control in the processing and secure storage of data. of cards (learn more).

You can only activate Visa and Mastercard cards if your partner has contracted with easypay the Visa and Mastercard payment method.


Strong authentication is an additional measure (SMS or APP) required by the rules of PSD2 (Payments Service Directive 2) and aims to ensure that you only access backoffice easypay the holder of the strong authentication factor. This procedure eliminates, among others, phishing actions (Learn how to choose the strong authentication factor here)

The APP is the authentication factor most secure because there are cases of hackers having managed to perform a SIM SWAP operation, which can redirect the messages that your cell phone receives to the hacker’s cell phone.

easypay recommends that you use a 2FA authentication APP (Two Factor Authentication). The use of this APP also has the advantage of being able to access the backoffice in environments without mobile network coverage.

Send an e-mail to Correio@easypay.pt with the SUBJECT: “Change of address/name”, with the updated Permanent Registration Certificate (CRP) Code attached.

Change password on Backoffice:

To login to easypay Backoffice, you need an email and password. This password can be changed directly on the easypay Backoffice.

  1. Click on the username in the upper right corner;
  2. ‘My profile’
  3. Password
  4. Change…‘.

Recover Password

Another reason for changing the password is to have lost access data. Access can be retrieved:

  1. Click on “Forgot your password?”;
  2. Enter your account email, you will be sent a link where you can set your new password.

Send your request to modify your IBAN to Correio@easypay.pt, with the following SUBJECT: “IBAN change – taxpayer Number: XXXX”, attaching:

  • New IBAN proof (issue date less than 6 months) .
  • Indication to which Account (or Paying Accounts) to apply to.

The documents required by Banco de Portugal depend on the type of Organization, see the required documents.

The Proposal and Adhesion is the formalization in physical support of the contract between the two parties (Merchant and easypay) in which the conditions in force are established. Only after this contract is signed by both parties can the funds be transferred.

What is the Proposed Amendment?

It is an addendum to the initial agreement (PDA), which will have to be made whenever there are changes to any Payment Account data. These changes only take effect after easypay sends the Change Proposal, which is signed and returned.

Yes, you can add as many users as you want. See how add a new user.

KYC is the mandatory procedure for verifying the identity of customers and their activities to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. easypay, as a payment institution regulated by the Bank of Portugal, the European Central Bank and the European Council, must comply with the Laws and Regulations relating to KYC.

Yes, if the company’s head office belongs to the SEPA Space.


Payments Account is the account you open at easypay, where receive all funds from your transactions (Learn more).

As a rule, funds are transferred in D+2, but the frequency may vary depending on the payment method used, or the day of the week (see here the date of transfer of funds).

To check if a referral has been paid, check the easypay Backoffice. See all the steps here.

All you have to do is ask easypay to create a new Payments Account associated with your original account. Send an email to Correio@easypay.pt with the SUBJECT: Add a new CIN.

Yes, but you must have at least one landing page because for easypay to activate Visa and Mastercard Cards, companies must be validated by the acquirer. This validation requires an analysis of the site and confirmation that it includes some mandatory components.

easypay allows you to receive real-time notifications of changes in the status of a payment, payments, authorizations and cancellations. To do this, you must configure notifications on the easypay Backoffice (Learn more)

Commissions Account

The Commissions Account is an account segregated from the Payments Account. The transaction commission charged by easypay is debited from a separate account, for a simpler and more transparent bank reconciliation (see how load the Commission Account).

Yes. Send an email to Correio@easypay.pt with the SUBJECT: Add Commission Account.

Send an email to Correio@easypay.pt with the SUBJECT: Commission Account Access.

Yes, you receive an email with notification and loading instructions.

Payments Account is the account you open at easypay, where you receive all the funds from your transactions.

Payments Account funds are regularly transferred to your bank account indicated in the sign-up process.

If you need to change your bank account, send an email to Correio@easypay.pt with the request and attaching proof of the new IBAN.

Find the statement in theBackoffice easypay, Menu ‘Commissions Account (FPA)‘ and then ‘Statement‘, you will find the list of transactions made.


You can integrate the easypay API here!

In order to ensure that your online store guarantees all the features that best suit your company, easypay has the following plugins available: MagentoWoocommercePrestashop, Shopify.


Payment made once only by the customer when purchasing a product or service (learn more).

Allows the customer, when making a new purchase, not to have to enter payment details, eliminating payment friction and giving give you a better shopping experience . Unlike subscriptions, where the amount and frequency are fixed (learn more).

These are recurring and automatic charges for payments with a fixed amount and defined frequency. Different from Frequent Payments, which has no defined value, frequency and periodicity (learn more).

For situations where you want to share a payment: an invoice, or quote, that can be paid by several people (learn more).

Solution that automatically splits the payment of a purchase/service by multiple merchants or suppliers (Marketplace). Learn more.

Make your request to create or change a form in writing to the email: Correio@easypay.pt, indicating the information you wish to present/request. Learn more about easypay forms.


To join easypay there is no membership fee or monthly fee (learn more).

Your business grows with easypay

We simplify complexity with efficient payments, simplified management.
Get ready to sell more with our global payment solutions.